Friday, May 18, 2007

Ode to Rebecca

Dear Rebecca,

You are crazy.
But I love you.
And im very happy to have you as my partner in crime.
You enhance my spasticness.
You make me behave very badly
Like right now when your telling me to hide from Mrs. Duke
That’s baaaad and yet im listening to you
You have that effect on me
Even at the ripe age of 4th grade you could force me to do things such as
Then when you promised not to tell my mom that we got in trouble
And the first thing you say when we get to my house is “Guess what Mrs. Kate….?!”
But somehow I listen to you all the time. Why, I don’t know.
But if you tell me to “stay down” one more time while I am staying down I may have to hit you!
Actually this whole letter thing was your idea…
And you see how im doing it.
Counter Culture tonight! Get excited!

this probably wont make any sense to you unless your becca or heard our converstation in the library this morning.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

english paper

Once I got started, I really enjoyed writing this post-modern paper. It sounded very painful at first, but i'm already done, and feel pretty good about it! I made it post modern by having a serious intro paragraph as my conclusion, a paragraph in french, and using random texting lingo. I also put in a post modern collage in the middle of two paragraphs and at the end. That's my favorite part of the paper because it makes it 10 times less boring! I played around with the breaking rules aspect of post modernism, so my essay pretty much breaks all the rules of how we've learned to write papers in the past. I would've never dreamed of turning in a paper for a grade with 10 exclamation marks, or writing "so" with 8 o's. I'm dreading writing the syllibus and reflection at the moment but maybe it will be as fun as writing this paper was.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Summer and stuff

I'm so ready for summer its unbelievable! I can't believe were going to be juniors next year! I still remember middle school perfectly! We've all changed so much and its going to be neat to see how different we all become in the last two years of highschool! I would be looking alot more forward to Summer, but that would mean exams were done, which i am not near ready for! (See blog labeled Exams, and you will see). Anyways, I dont want to even think about the fact that in two years I wont be living at home anymore! Two years goes by fast (I remember everything about 8th grade, and cant believe that its been two years) and I know i'm not near mature enough to live on my own, and especially balance my own expenses! I got a job this summer, and started it last monday and tuesday, and i'll work again next monday and tuesday. Its wierd to think that i'm old enough to have a job. I'm ready for college and to be independant but i dont want to go off without any friends from highschool. Our coaches were giving us a speech a few weeks ago about how we should never blow off our family for friends now that were getting older and more independant because in about 5 years we wont even remember our best friends name... so they said. There is no way that I wont remember my best friends names! I dont understand how someone can forget the name of the person they've been so close to since at least 6th grade! I'm not exactly sure how relevent that speech was to running anyway, so maybe there just trying to make us ditch our social lives so well have nothing else to do but run, because I cant possibly see how thats true. I'm not going to let it become true either!
So im not even sure if this was something im supposed to write about, but i couldnt think of anything else since i've covered exams and slaughterhouse-five in the other two due this week.

End of Slaughter House-Five

We just finished Slaughterhouse-Five last class. It was okay, definitly better that Scarlet Letter, but not as good as the Crucible. I really liked how the quiz was set up in class as well. I do alot better when the question is centered at one big event, rather than knowing all the little details that happened. I liked the last chapter, where everything was sort of tied together. I wish Billy talked more about his kidnapping and "life" in the Zoo because that was interesting to read about. Even though it was obvious to the reader that Billy was making this up, especially when we find out that one of Kilgore Trout's novel is exactly like Billys apparent life, and that he is one of Billy's favorite authors. I thought that was a very cool aspect of the book. It was definitly different from any book i've ever read, but I'm glad it's over.


Ok so teachers are still teaching new stuff, and even starting new units and exams are a week away! How are we supposed to start studying if every night were having to do homework and projects that have just been assigned. In math we just started trigonometry yesterday! Its going to be on the exam, and this is probably the first time any of us have ever done this stuff. What happened to dead week?! Even if I came right home at 3:30 and did all my homework due for the next day and studied for upcoming tests, I still would'nt have time to even start getting organized for exams? If teachers can't take studying for exams seriously, then how are we going to. (By the way, im not directing all this at you, Mrs. Duke, your not one of the "offenders" i'm referring to haha). If I would've known that teachers were going to cram whole chapters into the last few weeks of school, I would've started studying earlier. I'm also not saying this is all the teachers fault, I definitly should manage my time better, and probably drop afew extra curricular activities. This time last year I would've at least been done studying for my first exam. My first exam this year is Chemistry. We just started last class a new chapter, we had a lab report due, a spiral due next class, and a quiz late next week. The teacher even said to me "Jane Lloyd, you better start studying for this exam". I almost lost it then (and im losing it now) because how am i supposed to have time to study when I have to first due all that?! And I'm probably going to get in trouble for writing this. I apologise in advance, and I know im just throwing the blame around but Im SO stressed right now. Exams are 20% of the grade in the class!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Slaughter House Five

I just started reading slaughterhouse five over the weekend and I like it more than i thought i would. Its a pretty easy read, but it drags on at some points. I have alot to read tonight but hopefully it will go by fast. I'm a little confused on the 3 column notes, I hope its just like the notes that we had to do for a raison in the sun. I dont have much to say tonight about english, I just hope I can get through this year alive. Two weeks is starting to seem like a long time.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Thank God, me and Becca successfully completed our Crucible project! We had trouble getting started, but once we did, we didn't have any problems writing the speech. We both apparently work much better under pressure because the speech was written Tuesday late afternoon. We actually had better blocking than was shown in the preformance today, but I think we both got nervous up there and forgot it all. I'm proud of us though because I started out this project thinking that we were gonna have a lot more trouble than we did. Becca was an AMAZZZING partner!!!!! I actually enjoyed the project now that its over. My favorite still is the soundtrack from The Scarlet Letter.


For my current event on communism, I chose an artice from the New York Post. It was about the death of Russia's former president, Boris Yeltsin. He is praised for ending communism in Russia and truly trying the help the people. "Many mourners said they admired Yeltsin for breaking the grip of the monolithic Communist Party and moving the country to pluralism - and said they feared Putin was reversing the progress." Harsh feelings are still apparently felt towards Yeltsin by communist lawmakers such as Mikhail Zapolev, who refused to stand for a moment of silence honoring Yeltsin. This was a very interesting article because I never really thought about communism before this, and I find it neat that a government can change so drastically. I cant imagine having a government set up differently than it is now!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

this project due wednesday is stressing me out

So me and becca havent done much for this project which is so many points due wednesday. Our scene is going to be very hard to memorize and i have to find a catholic priests costume. Im not catholic and dont have any friends who are catholic priests so that might create a problem. I should've started working on homework before now but I was really busy this weekend. Now I'm paying for it. Becca and I still need to come up with an origional thesis on drama, and both of us are really challenged by that. I dont know what shes going to do for her costume either. I really like our scene and I think were going to focus on the plot aspect of drama. Im a little confused on what Im supposed to be writing on this blog and I hope this isnt totally wrong. I think once I write the individual scene analysis, the speech will be easier to write. So, I'm going to go do that.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

First Posting

Reading the Crucible has been really interesting. I started out not being too interested in what it was about or how it was written. As I got into it however, I started really liking it. It turned out to be a fairly easy read. The only hard thing is remembering all the characters and their roles in the plot. It's hard to think about this happening in the 50s, I keep thinking its in like the 1600s for some reason. So far, the most interesting character in my opinion is Abigail. Shes quite a monster but she adds lots of interest in the overall plot. I think Proctor is a very good character, and I think hes a nice guy deep down. I also believe that he loves his wife. I'm interested in getting a better look at the rest of the characters in acts 3 and 4, which I havent finished yet.