Saturday, May 12, 2007


Ok so teachers are still teaching new stuff, and even starting new units and exams are a week away! How are we supposed to start studying if every night were having to do homework and projects that have just been assigned. In math we just started trigonometry yesterday! Its going to be on the exam, and this is probably the first time any of us have ever done this stuff. What happened to dead week?! Even if I came right home at 3:30 and did all my homework due for the next day and studied for upcoming tests, I still would'nt have time to even start getting organized for exams? If teachers can't take studying for exams seriously, then how are we going to. (By the way, im not directing all this at you, Mrs. Duke, your not one of the "offenders" i'm referring to haha). If I would've known that teachers were going to cram whole chapters into the last few weeks of school, I would've started studying earlier. I'm also not saying this is all the teachers fault, I definitly should manage my time better, and probably drop afew extra curricular activities. This time last year I would've at least been done studying for my first exam. My first exam this year is Chemistry. We just started last class a new chapter, we had a lab report due, a spiral due next class, and a quiz late next week. The teacher even said to me "Jane Lloyd, you better start studying for this exam". I almost lost it then (and im losing it now) because how am i supposed to have time to study when I have to first due all that?! And I'm probably going to get in trouble for writing this. I apologise in advance, and I know im just throwing the blame around but Im SO stressed right now. Exams are 20% of the grade in the class!

1 comment:

Rousselr said...

ahhhh i agree with you completely!! we JUST started WWII in class and we're supposed to know that for our exam. okay but since we have a test next class that leaves us two days to cover ALL of WWII which i think took us two weeks to cover last year. grrrr and MATH?!?!?!? we have a quiz on trig. and she didnt even teach it to us!