Saturday, May 12, 2007

Summer and stuff

I'm so ready for summer its unbelievable! I can't believe were going to be juniors next year! I still remember middle school perfectly! We've all changed so much and its going to be neat to see how different we all become in the last two years of highschool! I would be looking alot more forward to Summer, but that would mean exams were done, which i am not near ready for! (See blog labeled Exams, and you will see). Anyways, I dont want to even think about the fact that in two years I wont be living at home anymore! Two years goes by fast (I remember everything about 8th grade, and cant believe that its been two years) and I know i'm not near mature enough to live on my own, and especially balance my own expenses! I got a job this summer, and started it last monday and tuesday, and i'll work again next monday and tuesday. Its wierd to think that i'm old enough to have a job. I'm ready for college and to be independant but i dont want to go off without any friends from highschool. Our coaches were giving us a speech a few weeks ago about how we should never blow off our family for friends now that were getting older and more independant because in about 5 years we wont even remember our best friends name... so they said. There is no way that I wont remember my best friends names! I dont understand how someone can forget the name of the person they've been so close to since at least 6th grade! I'm not exactly sure how relevent that speech was to running anyway, so maybe there just trying to make us ditch our social lives so well have nothing else to do but run, because I cant possibly see how thats true. I'm not going to let it become true either!
So im not even sure if this was something im supposed to write about, but i couldnt think of anything else since i've covered exams and slaughterhouse-five in the other two due this week.

1 comment:

kealyduke said...

It's okay. Just be careful what you publish on the Internet.