Wednesday, May 16, 2007

english paper

Once I got started, I really enjoyed writing this post-modern paper. It sounded very painful at first, but i'm already done, and feel pretty good about it! I made it post modern by having a serious intro paragraph as my conclusion, a paragraph in french, and using random texting lingo. I also put in a post modern collage in the middle of two paragraphs and at the end. That's my favorite part of the paper because it makes it 10 times less boring! I played around with the breaking rules aspect of post modernism, so my essay pretty much breaks all the rules of how we've learned to write papers in the past. I would've never dreamed of turning in a paper for a grade with 10 exclamation marks, or writing "so" with 8 o's. I'm dreading writing the syllibus and reflection at the moment but maybe it will be as fun as writing this paper was.

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